People with Diabetes in Sport – Treating the Disorder with Fun and Excitement

Diabetes in sport is believed to be the most fun and exciting way to deal with the said condition. Gone are the days when one stays in bed and wait until he gets cured. Now, people go outdoors and choose to cope with their health snag the most pleasurable way possible.

According to studies, about 7% of the American population is affected by Diabetes Mellitus. The sad part is, this percentage keeps on growing in respect to the expanding number of those who are suffering from obesity. Diabetes in sport is strongly recommended by medical professionals considering the ability of physical activities to delay the aggression of the said health disorder. The condition of those who have impaired glucose tolerance is believed to get in better state as their glucose metabolism and responsiveness to insulin make strides through involvement in sports.

Diabetes in sport also promotes natural treatment and rules out the dependency on taking medications and insulin. In fact, studies show that those who have taken part in sports during their younger years go through less macrovascular complexity and are more likely to survive diabetes. However, it is to be kept in mind that unduly engagement in sports can also lead to harmful effects. Certain adjustments have to be made in order to make the activity fitting for the person with diabetes complications. The guidance of physicians is necessary in order to ensure that people with diabetes safely participate in their chosen sports.

Diabetes in sport may seem perilous to some people but this is a fictitious belief that should be stamped out. This condition should not hinder anyone to actively engage in sport or in any other physical activities. As a matter of fact, there are many athletes in the world who made a name in this field despite having diabetes. A great example would be Steve Redgrave who is actually regarded as one of Britain’s best Olympian having grabbed several gold medals at the Olympic Games.

The Benefits that Diabetes Sufferers Can Gain from Getting Into Sports

  • Self-confidence and positive mindset
  • Heightened level of energy
  • Improved stress and tension management
  • Toned muscles and stronger bones
  • Less complications and heart disease prevention
  • Enhanced body coordination and balance
  • Better response to insulin.
  • Weight loss management.




While diabetes in sport is a good thing in general, there are still some things to consider before the person takes on this activity. It requires careful planning or it can be detrimental to his health regardless if he is an adult or a child diabetes subject.

It is advice to keep their doctors informed before they begin getting in with their chosen game. Testing their blood sugar level should always be a priority. This should be done prior to the activity and must be monitored during the course of the sports event. It is also a must to keep an eye on it after the game.

Tips for those who want to throw in diabetes in sport:

  • Get your insulin pump ready. It is extremely necessary to prepare this if you don’t want to cause interruption to the game. In case your insulin pump is already preventing you from playing, immediately visit your doctor.
  • Be mindful of what you eat. There are certain food items that diabetics need to avoid while engaged in sports. Your doctor will inform you the amount of food that you are required to eat before, during and after the game.
  • Do not forget to bring snacks and water anytime you participate in sports activity.
  • Make sure you are equipped with proper medication, devices and contact information in case you will be faced in an emergency relative to your diabetes.
  • Never inject insulin anywhere on your body part which you will actively use while playing.
  • Let those around you know about your condition. They have to be aware of it so they’ll know what to do in case of emergency.
  • If you suddenly feel dizzy and you notice that you are getting extremely hungry, thirsty or anxious, let your doctor know about it straightaway.
  • Know that there might be a time when you will be asked by your doctor to stop your sports participation. Be submissive when this happens. The doctor knows what’s good for you.
  • When asked to quit sports, turn to appropriate exercises. Cardio exercises are recommended for people with diabetes as this increases heart rate and controls the blood sugar level.